"This Type of Thinking(Could Do Us In) album review
The Chicago based trio that is Chevelle has for a long time been considered a mediocre hard rock band, and unfortunatly, "This Type of Thinking" doesn't do much to help that image. For one, its so mind-numbingly loud that most people will need to wear earplugs to listen to it. Lead singer Pete Loeffler screams alot on this album, more than he should. It is definitely harder than their previous album,"Wonder Whats Next", which went platinum, and was a gem of a album. Featuring 3 hits, "Wonder What's Next" was very well done, but "This Type of Thinking" just sounds and feels different, in a wrong way. The opening song. "The Clincher" is very hard, not quite Metallica but getting close. It is the 2nd single of the album, and although many hard rockers and headbangers will like it, the majority of people who listen to music probably wouldn't like it. The next song, "Get Some" is a hard song, not quite as hard as the first song, but still pretty hard. With short choppy lyrics, its one of the better songs on the album. The 3rd song, "Vitamin R(Leading Us Along) is the best song on the album, and was the 1st single of the CD. Dealing with the subject of Ritalin and kids, there's not much screaming in this song, and it comes out sounding very good. The next 2 songs on the album, "Still Running" and "Breach Birth" are hard rock songs, which is sure to please any headbanger, but does nothing for the rest of us. The 6th song, "Panic Prone" is a light song, and one of the better songs on the CD. The next song, however, is the hardest song Chevelle has ever done. Named "Another Know-it-All" it opens with blaring guitars and a bass drum that beats constantly, about 3 to 5 times a second. It is totally mind numbing to listen to, if you want to feel beat up and like a sack of potatoes, then stand in front of a large speaker when this song comes on. The following 3 songs aren't much lighter, "Tug-O-War" is a hard metal sounding song, "To Return" is a very plain sounding song, and "Emotional Drought" is another hard song, but a song that I like.
The final song on the CD , "Bend The Bracket" is a wildcard of a song. It is acoustic!! With no screaming, it is a very good soft song. Overall, the CD sounds very repetitive, maybe because the same electric guitar was used on every track. ( Pete Loeffler said that it was). I give it 2 out of 5 stars.
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